Sunday, January 1, 2017


Blessed love fe one and all inna name of de Father, de Son and de Holy Spirit, amen. De Lord is i light and i salvation, so whom shall i fear? De Lord a de strength of i life, of whom shall i be afraid? These two questions still stand as our hebrew israelite people dem still deh enslaved by de same master, with de same lies and deceit, and de same whip inna dem hand, and how terrible is de sound of that whip, only those who done feel it pon dem back can tell. We was taken away from home, by force, inna shackle and chain, and forced to work fe dem profit, so dem can benefit from our works, we was taken away from our families, so dem can divide and conquer, as dem please, we was beaten and raped fe dem entertainment, and forced to learn their ways by whip and torture and we was stripped of any human rights as dem did a stand up and preach dem lies and deceit about human rights, for we are not even considered human, even though we a de real humans and de real children of Israel, and they are not, and de Holy Scripture done issue a warnin from long time, se beware of de false hebrew israelite dem, beware of those who claim se dem hebrew but dem not, for dem a de devil and de leach and vampire weh a go spawn from hell before JUDGEMENT DAY !

And here we are, face to face with de devil, while de devil still a smile inna we face and a stab we de minute we done turn we back pon dem, we still a work fe dem, and a look up a job within dem wicked system, thinkin that a de right way fe live, accordin fe dem rules and stipulations, thinkin that their law was made accordin to de law of de Allmighty Father, when did de Father ever dictate that any man should a slave fe another man? When did de Father ever dictate that one man deh entitled to rule over de other accordin to de color of their skin or even their nationality? Never, and for as long as we a go keep followin de same principles weh a keep we enslaved and we a go reach out fe help to de same slavemaster weh a keep we inna shackle and chain, we will never free up from captivity, remember de wise words of Carter J. Woodson, "if de negro inna de ghetto must eternally be fed by de hand weh a push him inna de ghetto him will never become strong nuff fe come outta de ghetto" and stop lookin for love from de same people weh responsibile fe your pain and tribulation, great nation of Israel, dont let dem fool we a fe dem fake love and kindness, for dem never know bout no love and kindness, had it been they did, dem would a heal de sick, and shelter de homeless and feed de hunger already by now as dem get nuff money fe done de famine and de poverty around de world ten times over and still be left with a fortune.

De famine and de povery weh dem alone did a bring bout, and nobody else but dem, de famine weh dem done leave behind after dem done rob we blind of everything we had, and now dem want more. Freedom is a must and theres no other way fe de black man, woman and child to achieve that without Repatriation, for de concept of Reparations is bond to remain but a dream, yet to be achieved, without a real time revolution weh allow we fe seize everything back from dem. As dem did a come up with de concept of terrorism fe make up a solid excuse fe dem violent actions we have no other option but to repatriate and make sure that we evacuate each and every one a dem from our holy land, man, woman and pickney dem fe go back to weh dem come from, so that we can start workin pon a reconstruction of our social structure, and our farmin system. Simplicity is what we use fe survive and that alone a de answer fe all questions, one penny from every black man weh rich, and we would a achieve that inna one days time, as we done build de Great Pyramids and de Great Churches Of Lalibela, and de Temple Of Solomon, we can also rebuild our nation. Stand with ini, brother man, as ini a stand fe all of we, and work with ini sistren, as ini a work fe all a we, make a move now and not tomorrow, for there might never be tomorrow if we no go move NOW ! Maximum love and respect, reportin from de battlefield, a humble warrior slave.

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